Mike Lee PT was established to help individuals live a pain-free lifestyle and facilitate a vastly improved quality of life.

Mike is a highly qualified coach in a multitude of domains whose passion for improving the quality of life and performance in clients is something that has driven his mission of helping as many people move from pain back to movement mastery. Our Lives have been slowly turned into a mess of stimuli, distractions and inactivity and Mike acts as a guide to helping countless people step out of pain and dysfunction into areas of fitness they didn’t believe possible. Intent is nothing without Action. Take Action today

Thousands of people guided from Pain to Performance.

“I was getting tired of being told not to do things, Mike listened to me and I’ve had no back pain since.”

Heather McCann

“Mike straight away took control of my situation and took me from pain to performance in a matter of months.”

James Wilkinson

“I couldn’t squat for years without pain and Mike was able to fix this .”

Sarah McGuffie